There is sooo much to do!
Priority #1: Get the website rebuilt (I haven’t a clue how)
Priority #1(B) Get an accounting/invoicing system in place (I haven’t a clue how)
Priority #1(C) Get a payment system set up (I haven’t a clue how)
Priority #1(D) Get the marketing engine revved-up and rolling (What does a carpenter know about marketing?).
You might be getting the idea about now that we don’t know what we’re doing.
Isn’t this exciting?
We want to go solar—The electrical service is very expensive and very unreliable.
We want to switch the internet provider to Starlink–the land-based provider is very unreliable. We want to build a rain catchment system–the island water is great but their delivery system (plastic pipes laying on top of the ground) is very unreliable.
Starting to see a pattern? Welcome to island life.
Plus….We want to remodel and update, including a new outdoor kitchen.
We want to fix the dock and expand it.
We want to finish the owner’s quarters.
We want to install a bigger, nicer pool.
We want to build some stand-alone cabanas.
We want to get all the boats running properly at the same time—now that’s a tall order.
We want to….
Maybe I will just take a nap!
When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap
Tom Hodginson
After finally closing on the resort, Laurie and I returned to the States, leaving Elizabeth to hold down the fort. We still had 2 houses waiting to close and another house still under renovation. We thought we had about a month before any guests were scheduled to arrive, so we had a little time to sort things out both at home and on the island.
But then, out of the blue, Paizley surprised us with 6 guests that wanted to come and stay for 5 nights. That made life interesting. I initially thought I needed a quick turn-around so I could be there when the guests come but they ended up only booking for 3 nights. After quite a bit of conversation, Elizabeth, Laurie and I decided Elizabeth could handle the guests for the 3 nights on her own. Trial by fire! Oh, and I just got a text saying the dryer is broken! I know I said I needed something that would get me out of bed in the morning, but this is ridiculous.
It’s time to take a deep breath because truth be told, much of the list above isn’t urgent. The place is open and ready for business. There is and always will by maintenance issues to deal with and most of the other stuff is updating things that need to be done at some point but not today.
But the website stuff does need to get done like today, along with the internet problems…the boats need fixing ASAP…the electricity…. Damn, here I go again.
And oh, by the way, did I tell you that Yahaira, our housekeeper and cook, is 7 months pregnant? I probably didn’t tell you since no one told me!

Now we love Yahaira and we are very happy for her but good golly, getting that piece of news…” Oh you might want to know that Yahaira is 7 months pregnant and will be gone for two months.” Gee whiz! She is our only housekeeper. Ya think someone might’ve told us?
It will all work out. It always does. I am having fun. Over the last few years my world had started getting smaller and smaller and since taking on this adventure I have met so many new and interesting people, made new friends and I’m learning things and stretching myself.
So yes, there is a lot to do but I need to remember I’m doing it in a tropical paradise.